Featured iHerb Customer: Kati K.

We think our iHerb customers are awesome and we truly appreciate their support and their patronage, but we also know that they are all real people who are doing their best to live a life of health and wellness.  That’s not always an easy task.   Given that, we wanted to feature some of them and get their take on the steps they take towards their own well-being and hopefully, iHerb plays a part in that.  Perhaps, from their words,  you’ll be able to get some inspiration to help you make positive and healthy changes in your life as well.  Today, let’s meet Kati Koskinen from Turku, Finland.

Tell us a little about yourself:

Hi everyone! My name is Kati Koskinen, and I’m a 36 year old youth worker from Turku, Finland. I’ve been living in this beautiful, old capital of Finland for a little over four years now. I have a hubby and an eight year old step daughter. Free time passes by in different things. I take walks with our mixed breed dog Milla (she’s almost 14 years old!), read books, watch movies and above all, organize parties. We have Finland’s oldest associacion for electronic music here in Turku, and I belong to that. Sooo much fun!

How did you find out about iHerb?

My hubby ordered some products, and introduced iHerb for me. He thinks I take too much vitamins and stuff, but as you’re going to see later on, vitamins has only been good to me.

What about iHerb first appealed to you?

Main thing is, that I’m able to browse products at home. I take my time, and compare the ingredients and prices. Which (second best thing, low prices) has been and are moderate and even cheap.

How long have you been in iHerb customer?

For almost a year now. And I think I’m never gonna stop ordering.

What are your favorite products and why?

I have so many! I’m a lip balm-a- holic, so Kiss My Face, Crazy Rumours and Badger Company appeal to me. They are nice smelling and really care for my lips. I do also order super foods for my smoothies and then some supplements (nettle, vitamin D, etc.) Vitamin D is almost obligatory here in Finland. We have six months of darkness, and it might cause depression and sleeping problems. D combined with light treatment is the key answer to those problems. Or at least it has helped me really much!

My order history tells me, that I’m “omnivorous” when it  comes to my ordered products. Via lip balms to vitamins and chia seeds, and along comes handsoaps and snackbars. But, what else can one do with such an incredible supply!

What is your health and wellness philosophy?

Ummm… This is tricky. Just because I’m overweight (and lazy as heck..), I still do feel quite healthy, and that’s a mystery even to me. My philosophy would probably be “Enjoy yourself, do what feels right. Your body tells you when to do something else”. One shouldn’t feel guilty or embarrassed of your own body.

Do you have a favorite mantra or quote that describes how you try to live your life?

I have favourite quotes, but they handle everything in life :):) The ones from George Carlin appeal to me, a lot.

“Swimming is not a sport. Swimming is a way to keep from drowning. That’s just common sense!” (I do like swimming though! :D)

Do you have any current health goals you’re working toward and what are you doing to reach them or have you actually met one or more and would like to share your success story?

As I told before, I’m about 20 kilograms overweight. It’s stupid, because I am an intelligent human being and I realize what difficulties it brings ahead.  I try to minimize portion sizes and eat more regularly. Super smoothies in the morning are my saviours by the way! They keep me full and satisfied for long periods of time. It would also be more than good if I did some exercise. But, as all lazy persons, I have more excuses than will power. I hope this would change in the future (or before I get type 2 diabetes….). My overall health is fairly good, which is kind of odd thing.

I go to a massaeur regularly and I also have acupuncture for my back problems. One thing is also new for me, I quit eating meat four months ago. I still do eat meat, if it’s organic or otherwise non-processed. But mostly I eat lacto-ovo-pesco-dietary food.

Are there any health and wellness tips you’d like to share with other iHerb customers?

Yes, there is. Nettle extract helping especially women with yeast infections. This is somewhat a miracle, what happened to me. When I was 10, I got my periods. Since then, I was suffering from almost continuous yeast infections. When I was older, also antibiotics and stress gave me yeast. It was like a nightmare. Medicine helped with the symptoms, but yeast stayed. Then, after many years of suffering, along came nettle. I had met my hubby and we moved to Turku. A friend of mine gave me a farewell present, nettle extract tablets. She gave me a piece of advice too “First, take five every day. Then continue with three.” I’ve been doing this for over these years, and yes, NO YEAST! If I feel any symptoms, I take a few extra tablets, and symptoms disappear. I can’t guarantee the help for everyone, but at least I can warmly recommend to try them.

Looking for vitamins, herbal supplements and other alternatives to help you keep a healthy balance in your life? Check out the thousands of products we sell at iHerb.com. Use Coupon Code WOW123 to get  you $5 off any first time order.

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